

We Have Roots, Now What…?

Your cutting has been successfully rooting and now it looks ready for potting. Congrats, now its time for the fun part!


  1. Small pot, no more than 2″ larger than the root mass
  2. Potting soil (make sure you have the right soil for your plant)
  3. Your rooted cutting
  4. Water
  5. Chopstick (optional)


  • Remove the cutting from the water.
  • Fill the pot about halfway with soil.
  • Lightly support the cutting in the center while you add soil to the pot.
  • Gently sift the soil into place; DON’T pack the soil down tight around the roots, instead softly tap the bottom of the pot to sift the soil to the roots. You can also use a chop stick to carefully push the soil down between the roots.
  • Give it a drink of water, be careful not to give too much!
  • Congrats on potting up your cutting!
  • Follow the suggested watering schedule for your type of plant.

*** Going from water to soil can cause some shock to the cutting. Dropping a leaf is normal, the stem changing color or becoming soft/mushy is a sign of root rot. ***

These roots are ready
Clear pot with drainage
All done!

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