

How to: Propagation in Water

We all eventually run into the moment when our plant’s growth is too much. What to do when those vines are taking over your bookshelf or climbing your walls? Whip out those scissors and follow these steps!


  • pruning shears, sharp scissors
  • dilute hydrogen peroxide (3:1 water and 3% hydrogen peroxide)
  • jar with water
  • rooting hormone (optional)
  • your plant
  • spray bottle for peroxide mix (optional)

  1. Make sure your shears and the vine you will be cutting are clean. You can spray both down with the peroxide mixture. If you don’t have a spray bottle, wet a paper towel and wipe down the shears as well as wherever along the vine you intend to cut.
  2. Make the cut midway between the nodes, at a 45* angle.
  3. Spray down again with your peroxide mixture, or swish the full node in a cup making sure to include the cut ends.
  4. Gently shake off excess liquid.
  5. Optional: Dip the cut ends in the rooting hormone.
  6. Let the cuttings callous over well before putting them in the water. I wait at least 12 hours. The rooting hormone powder will speed this along, as well as give the node the boost it needs to start growing roots.
  7. Add more water as needed to keep the node barely submerged.
  8. After a few weeks, you should start to see roots!
  9. DO NOT PLANT until your roots are a couple inches long.

Happy rooting!

cut along the red line
baby roots!
ready to plant