

Cleaning Dirty Leaves

One part of routine plant maintenance is keeping leaves clean. Photosynthesis requires light to touch the leaf. If there’s a layer of dust, not much light can get through. This is also a great time to check over leaves for pests. Time to get to wiping! What Should I Use? Water on a microfiber towel […]

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Help! I Think I Have Spider Mites!!!

Ah, Yes. The dreaded enemy of plant enthusiasts. Don’t worry, while these pests can be difficult to get rid of, it’s not impossible. Keep reading for how I’ve taken care of the little buggers. What are they? Spider mites are in the arachnid family and are extremely tiny, less than 1/50th of an inch long. […]

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We Have Roots, Now What…?

Your cutting has been successfully rooting and now it looks ready for potting. Congrats, now its time for the fun part! Supplies: Small pot, no more than 2″ larger than the root mass Potting soil (make sure you have the right soil for your plant) Your rooted cutting Water Chopstick (optional) Steps: Remove the cutting […]

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How to: Propagation in Water

We all eventually run into the moment when our plant’s growth is too much. What to do when those vines are taking over your bookshelf or climbing your walls? Whip out those scissors and follow these steps! Supplies: pruning shears, sharp scissors dilute hydrogen peroxide (3:1 water and 3% hydrogen peroxide) jar with water rooting […]

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My Soil Recipes

Different plants have different soil needs. Tropical plants need moist soil that’s well drained, while succulents need extremely well draining soil that dries out quickly. Unfortunately, plants from big box stores tend to all be planted in the same low grade potting mix. They can survive in it while under perfect conditions (think greenhouse with […]

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Hoya, Porcelain Flower, Waxplant

Hoya is a genus of tropical climbing plants, commonly called a wax plant due to their thick, waxy leaves. They have beautiful, delicate flowers that smell amazing. They’re usually white or pink, which is where they got the porcelain flower nickname. They’re semi-succulent, making them fairly easy for the beginner plant lover. Hoyas store water […]

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Epipremnum Aureum, commonly called Pothos, are a great beginner plant. Not only are they forgiving of hiccups in their routine, they come in a wide variety of leaf patterns. Let’s take a look at their needs: Light: Pothos can handle a wide variety of light intensity, however the safest bet is bright indirect light. Having […]

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